Looking at your phone for a long period of time at night is not going to help your body feel ready for the next day. Exposure to blue light confuses the brain as it mimics the brightness of the sun. This causes the brain to stop producing melatonin, a hormone that gives your body cues to sleep.

Affects of smartphone light:

  1. Disrupt your sleep cycle, which might leave you distracted and impair your memory the next day
  2. Poor night’s sleep can make it harder to learn
  3. Lack of sleep overtime can lead to neurotoxin buildup that makes it harder to get good sleep
  4. Suppressed melatonin levels by blue light exposure are more prone to depression
  5. Disrupting melatonin and sleep can also affect hormones that control hunger, which increases the risk of obesity
  6. Light exposure at night has a connection to increased risk of breast and prostate cancer
  7. Researchers are suspecting that blue light can lead to cataracts
  8. Researchers also indicate that long term exposure can harm the retina


  1. Discuss with your Optometrist or eye care professional about high energy blue light
  2. Invest in lenses with coatings that block out blue light (Essilor, Nikon, Kodak, Hoya, Zeiss)
  3. Invest in BlueTech Lenses

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